A really lovely day…

Today was a beautiful day! The air was refreshingly cool and crisp. All windows in this house were thrown open immediately this morning after we took the first breath of this fresh air, and they have remained so all day.  The sound of crickets singing serenades me as I write, and the night breeze is blowing in gently, bringing the most delicious scent of summer with it. I am truly grateful in this moment. Not just for the lovely air, but for the calm I have within.

Adjustments are being made as we begin to walk the journey of home school together.  So far, though a bit bumpy, we are doing just fine.  We’ve started in with some of our new material and I’m feeling pretty good about it all.  I have learned already that we are going to be getting to know each other more deeply…though I didn’t know before that this was possible!  Looking at the kids from a new perspective (as mom and teacher) has really been illuminating!  I realize that until this point, though I cared deeply, I simply gave their education over to someone else without much concern.  I felt that it was the teachers and the principal’s job to educate them (for the most part), and though they did an excellent job at it, I missed out on opportunities to really learn about my own kids.  I’m excited and encouraged that our new adventures in homeschooling can lead to growth in our relationships. It sounds obvious, I’m sure, but the reality is really striking me lately. It’s just one of the gifts, I hope, that homeschooling will bring to our family.

Today we had swimming (the 3 youngest), we grocery shopped, finished our latest group read (The Fantastic Secret of Owen Jester), picked veggies from the garden, watched ants take rides on a “frisbee” (an ice cream bucket cover), did card tricks, watched the Olympics opening ceremony, and had a delicious dinner of grilled ribs and veggies from the garden.  A full, wonderful, day.

And these words which I command you this day shall be upon your heart; and you shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. ~Deuteronomy 6: 6-7


Practicing sleight-of-hand…

A grub will make a nice dinner for our crayfish…


Yesterday at Nana and Grandpa’s house…

Tasting Grandpa’s homemade ice cream off the dasher….yummm!